
….where words matter.



Another thought from Reed on kneeling: if kneeling is good enough for the Almighty, it's good enough for a piece of cloth and a song ~ tjreed

Reed’s thought of the day for Tuesday, September 26, 2017: anyone who thinks kneeling is a sign of disrespect, has not spent enough time with their maker ~ tjreed

Reed’s thought of the day for Monday, September 25, 2017: if I am to be perceived obsessive, I pray it only as an anorak over my quest for self-improvement ~ tjreed

Reed’s thought of the day for Friday, September 22, 2017: smaller on their own, but take away just one piece and you no longer see the whole ~ tjreed

Overcome your fear. Look past the blinders that hide suffering and pain. A majesty, that towers over all the tragedy waits to welcome you home ~ tjreed

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