
….where words matter.


Reed’s Writing Corner

our greatest obstacles are the limits we place on ourselves ~ tjreed

That Cantankerous Compound Sentence: Where Does That Comma Go

They are such a little thing, the comma, but boy they do pack a punch, especially when we don't use them correctly. For anyone who has researched their usage, you know the rules around them are numerous and not something that we can quickly brush up on.

Adjectives & Their Order

A recent grammar check for The Wizard of Yonkers pointed out that I had my adjectives in the wrong order. Unaware of any rules on the matter, I usually just go by ear, I managed to botch it all up by... Continue Reading →

More on Capitalization: Titles

After posting my tip yesterday on the proper capitalization of nicknames and terms of endearment I got to looking at the post title and knew that it was all wrong. I've since fixed it but thought that I would continue with yesterday's theme and take a look at the proper way to title a blog post.

Nicknames & Terms of Endearment: What Gets Capitalized & When

Today, I'm madly editing chapter six of The Wizard of Yonkers and switching the POV around between characters. While working on a line of dialog, I realized I was not sure if I should capitalize a term of endearment like you would a nickname.

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