
….where words matter.



Congress & Their “If Only” Crapshoots on Healthcare

Healthcare is not a crapshoot. It's serious business that needs to be addressed with thoughtful groundbreaking solutions, not "if only" gambles that "hope" mandates or choices will contain cost.

My Sigh of Relief: Finally, a Presidential Trump & Not Just A Pile of Rocks

Last night, for the first time, I saw a man capable of addressing these issues and sighed with relief. I can only pray we see more of President Donald Trump and less of the petty little man found on Twitter who never looks like more than a pile of rock.

Man’s Best Friend or Lab Experiment: Love a Mongrel & Stand up for Canine Health & Diversity

I love my girls, even though they outweigh what I was told their adult weight would be by about forty pounds. It turned out the Miniature Pinscher-Chihuahua mix was on their mom's side only, and she turned out to be a bit of... Continue Reading →

Not my apple: GMO’s an advance in agriculture or risky science

According to the FDA, humans have been selective breeding plants and animals ever since we started producing our own food and I found that to be pretty accurate. Just look at the potato, corn, rice, wheat or tomato

Surviving Trump: Federalist No 51

James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton helped set forth some of this great nation's most cherished guiding principles that still protect us today from the likes of King George and any other that might try to follow in his footsteps.

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